Rockstar ataca din nou moderii ultimului lor titlu din franciza Grand Theft Auto.

Era 17 martie cand un modder belgian, Mr. Leasurewear, alaturi de „.White Team” au inceput sa lucreze la un mod pentru GTA V, care aducea clasica harta Red Dead Redemption in joc.

Totusi, cu urmatorul joc RDR pe teava, cei de la Rockstar au considerat ca un astfel de mod, poate bine realizat, ar mai putea culege din hype-ul titlului pe care ar urma sa il lanseze, asa ca au decis ca ar trebui sa inlature de pe internet acest mod.

Iata ce a spus modderul belgian: „I know this is a hard pill to swallow, but as you may have noticed we did get contacted and we sadly have to say we are stopping this project.
So thanks guys, we were all so happy to see this, but it isn’t going to happen, sorry. For the record this was never going to be a “PC port”, it was just gonna be the map …
Undertaking this sort of a project with additional content ported over was never feasible, we were only gonna get a way to convert the map with both legal copies of each game and some custom scripted additional content, there was never any intention or mention to either port a story mode over from RDR to V.”

Nu e prima data cand Rockstar sau Take2Games (publisher-ul GTA V) mai intra pe firul modderilor. Acum 2 ani, in decembrie, modul GTA: Multiplayer ar fi trebuit sa fie lansat (o alternativa pentru GTA: Online), insa Take2Games au trimis niste investigatori privati la casele modderilor, informandu-i ca vor fi dati in judecata daca nu opresc development-ul.

Cam asa ar fi trebui sa arate modul:


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